Dr. Curt Weller

Avatar for Dr. Curt Weller

Dr. Curt Weller

Department Head Food Science & Technology University of Nebraska-Lincoln


FIC 1901 N 21st St rm 233
Lincoln NE 68588-6205
402-472-9337 On-campus 2-9337


  • B.S. Food Science, University of Illinois
  • M.S. Food Science, University of Illinois
  • Ph.D. Agricultural Engineering, University of Illinois

Research Area

Research responsibilities are in value-added processing of agricultural commodities and physical properties determination.  The majority of my work relates to understanding properties of biological materials, and how the properties influence or are influenced by methods of processing.  Three prominent materials have been seed protein films, grain sorghum lipids, and formed ready-to-eat meat products.

Teaching and/or Extension Activities

FDST 451 Advanced Seminar


  • Weller, C.L., M.R. Paulsen and S. Mbuvi.  1989.  Germ weight, germ oil content, and estimated oil yield for wet-milled yellow dent corn as affected by moisture content at harvest and temperature of drying air.  Cereal Chem. 66(4):273-275.
  • Gennadios A., C.L. Weller and C.H. Gooding.  1994.  On the measurement of water vapor transmission rate of hydrophilic edible films.  J. Food Engr. 21:395-409.
  • Buffo, R.A., C.L. Weller and A.M. Parkhurst.  1998.  Wet-milling factors of sorghum and relationship to grain quality.  J. Cereal Sci.  27(3):327-334. 
  • Gennadios, A., A. Handa, G.W. Froning, C.L. Weller and M.A. Hanna.  1998.  Physical properties of egg white-dialdehyde starch films.  J. Agric. Food Chem. 46(4):1297-1302.
  • Weller, C.L., A. Gennadios, R.A. Saraiva and S.L. Cuppett. 1998. Grain sorghum wax as an edible coating for gelatin-based candies.  J. Food Qual. 21(2):117-128.
  • Handa, A., A. Gennadios, M.A. Hanna, C.L. Weller and N. Kuroda. 1999. Physical and molecular properties of egg white-lipid films. J. Food Sci. 64(5):860-864.
  • Hwang, K.T., S.L. Cuppett, C.L. Weller  and  M.A. Hanna. 2002. Properties, composition and analysis of grain sorghum wax. J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. 79(6):521-527.
  • Amézquit­a, A., C.L. Weller, L. Wang, H. Thippared­di and D.E. Burson. 2005. Development of an integrated model for heat transfer and dynamic growth of Clostridium perfringens during cooling of cooked boneless hams. Intl. J. Food Micro. 101(2):123-144.
  • Wang, L. and C.L. Weller. 2006. Recent advances in extraction of nutraceuticals from plants. Trends in Food Science and Technology. 17(6):300-312.
  • Cepeda, J.F., C.L. Weller, H. Thippareddi, M. Negahban, and J. Subbiah. 2013. Modeling cooling of ready-to-eat meats by 3D finite element analysis: Validation in meat processing facilities. J Food Engr. 116(2):450-461.
  • Althwab, S., T.P. Carr, C.L. Weller, I.M. Dweikat and V. Schlegel. 2015. Advances in grain sorghum and its co-products as a human health promoting dietary system. Food Research International. 77:349-359.
  • Mugabi, R., Y. B. Byaruhanga and C. L. Weller. 2018. Challenges faced by small-scale local fabricators and millers in Uganda: A case studey of hammer mill fabricators and users. Journal of Advances in Food Science and Technology. 5(2):63-71.